Jack Schwager, Author of Market Wizard and Schwager on Futures series and Market Sense and Nonsense
“Following the Trend is an absolute must read for anyone with an interest in systematic trend following whether as an investor, trader, or aspiring manager. The book is at the same time comprehensive and easy to read. As someone who has designed these types of systems, it is absolutely clear to me that Clenow writes as a knowledgeable practitioner, not an armchair theoretician. I admired Clenow’s repeatedly pointing out real life difficulties and drawbacks and his refusal to use optimization or well-chosen examples as virtually all other books of this type tend to do. In short, this is a real life presentation of the subject matter. In one particularly innovative chapter, Clenow creates close replications of some of the best and largest trend-following funds by combining his set of simple, non-optimized rules with variations in portfolio composition and volatility level.”
Jack Schwager
Author of Market Wizard and Schwager on Futures series and Market Sense and Nonsense

Mebane Faber – Founder and Chief Investment Officer at Cambria Investment Management
“A lot of ‘alpha’ strategies can be deconstructed into simple rules based portfolios. Following the Trend: Diversified Managed Futures Trading lays out how to replicate the vast majority of the managed futures industry with a simple system. Why pay a manager a 2% management fee and a 20% performance fee when you can buy Clenow’s book for $50? A must read for all those seriously interested in managed futures.”

Sanjiv Kumar, Principal, Fort LP.
Sanjiv Kumar, Principal, Fort LP.

Nigol Koulajian, Founder, Quest Partners, LLC.
“In this excellent work, Andreas has shed light on some very important and previously undocumented aspects of trend following. This book should be of great interest to Managed Futures managers and investors alike.”
Nigol Koulajian, Founder, Quest Partners, LLC.

Van K. Tharp, Ph.D., Author of Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, Supertrader, and The Definitive Guide to Position Sizing Strategies.
“If you want to trade professionally by managing other people’s money, then this is one of the first books I recommend that you read.”
Van K. Tharp, Ph.D., Author of Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, Supertrader, and The Definitive Guide to Position Sizing Strategies.

Carl Gyllenram, CEO, Ability Asset Management and Author of Trading with Crowd Psychology.
“Andreas Clenow has written a very unique book that provides a rare insight into how an actual CTA hedge fund manager trades. Backing up all his claims with hard research, he cuts right to the point and educates the reader about how the real value of trend following futures trading is achieved and how to replicate the success of the major hedge funds. A must read and an essential part of any serious trader’s library!”
Carl Gyllenram, CEO, Ability Asset Management and Author of Trading with Crowd Psychology.

Robert Savage, CEO of Track.com – an independent research firm serving the hedge fund community.
“This is must read for anyone involved in trading markets. The thoughtful analysis of how models work and fail will help anyone interested in trading futures. This book adds to the short list of intelligent analysis available for investors to beat the market.”
Robert Savage, CEO of Track.com – an independent research firm serving the hedge fund community.

Anthony Garner, Trader and Author of A Practical Guide to ETF Trading Systems
“If you want to learn about trend following, you will not find a better place to start than this book. It is a practical, step by step guide to trend following and cuts away the hype and nonsense which surrounds this topic. Coupled with a reliable data source and a sophisticated back testing engine, this book will enable you to dispense with gurus and system salesmen. Highly recommended.”
Anthony Garner, Trader and Author of A Practical Guide to ETF Trading Systems.
“A no nonsense view into the real world of trend following and how it can be done.”
Kathryn M. Kaminski, PhD, CIO and Founder, Alpha K Capital

Mark Melin
Author, High-Performance Managed Futures
Editor, Opalesque Futures Intelligence
Former adjunct instructor, managed futures, Northwestern University
“Trend following is the largest sub-category of managed futures, driven by the market environment of price persistence. Andreas has taken a complicated topic and provided an insightful viewpoint.”
Mark H. Melin